

Youth work meetings in 2020

In 2020, despite the more challenging circumstances, we managed to organize small member meetings three times, the aim of which was to develop the organization of ISZOSZ as well as the reconsideration of our current tasks.

The dates and locations of our meetings:

  • January 4th and 5th, Szombathely
  • September 11th, Veresegyház
  • November 7th and 8th, Nyíregyháza
SZIA 2018
2019 - 2020

We organized a series of professional meetings with dinner for the youth sector. During the event encompassing four occasions, we discussed one topic each time with the help of invited experts.

In September 2019, we analyzed the history of domestic youth service and its current state. At the end of November, in Veresegyház, we compared youth service work in the capital with that of small settlements. Due to the epidemic, our meeting to elaborate on the 10-year history of the National Youth Council was postponed to the fall of 2020. This series of programs was brought to a close in Nyíregyháza, by getting more acquainted with the everyday reality of youth research.

The Academy of Profession for the Youth
2016 - 2018

2016. SZIA
The Academy of Profession for the Youth (Szakma az Ifjúságért Akadémia - SZIA) resembles both a summer camp and a summer university. The goal of the convention is to strengthen the coherence, reputation and acceptance of the youth field as a separate discipline and youth services work as a unique and irreplaceable vocation. The program of the convention consists of engaging and thought-inspiring presentations, debates, workshops and leisure activities.

SZIA 2016

This occasion was unique as the summer university became a reality thanks to the cooperation/consortium of three major youth organizations:The Hungarian Association of Youth Service Providers (Ifjúsági Szolgáltatók Országos Szövetsége – ISZOSZ), the foundation of the Network of Youth Experts Initiatives (Ifjúságszakmai Társaság Alapítvány), mand the Juventus Soliditas National Youth Services Network (Juventus Soliditas nemzeti ifjúságszakmai háló), the latter being an association of youth services organizations of Hungarian communities outside the borders. Therefore, it is not an overstatement to call this convention at Cegléd the Fair of the Profession.

SZIA 2017

Szakma az Ifjúságért Akadémia 2017.
The second semester of SZIA was titled HunOpen – or KILÁTás(talanság)OK, referring to the three main topics of the convention.
On the first day, the focus was on NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) youth. The second day revolved around youth unemployment, consisting of three shorter presentations that served as a basis for the workshops of the day. The third professional section discussed youth emigration.

SZIA 2017
SZIA 2018

In 2018, the summer university concentrated on the alternatives of youth organizations for raising funds. The central topics were the following:

  • marketing and management,
  • alternative funding resources,
  • reaching and engaging the for-profit sector,
  • comprehensive overview of the NGO sector.
SZIA 2018
ISZOSZ trainings

The Hungarian Association of Youth Service Providers has been the organizer and facilitator of the national youth work since 2011. We think that it is time to through strengthen the integrative role of the organisation through outreaching to the eminent former players and new generations in addition to the current members of the profession. All of these needs have been indicated to us by the local actors of the youth services. We believe that the accumulated professional knowledge can be transmitted only with the involvement of previous generations towards the industry's youngest generations, to the new entrants. This allows the overpassing of the previously achieved successes and experience to the school-leavers professionals who are shaping the future of young people. Some elements of the program are accomplished through the grant of the National Cooperation Fund and the Hungarian Children- and Youth Fund.

NEA (NEA-UN-15-SZ-0946) ISZOSZ Basic training

GYIA (IFJ-GY-15-A-21365) ISZOSZ Premium training

“We need a team!” 2014 - 2015

The "We need a team! – the project for Youth Development and Networking of Youth Work Professionals" was created to support the effective functioning and cooperation in the youth service field. Professional meetings across the country have been implemented under the program. The elements of the program have been implemented through the grant of the National Cooperation Fund and the Hungarian Children- and Youth Fund awarded by the.

“Feeling good!”
Gate of Csepel social program for city rehabilitation 2014

"Feeling good!” means that you feel better in your life. The essential of well-being is to be familiar with personal competences, to be able to develop them. Under the project we organized competence development workshops to help young people to overcome their disadvantages and taught them how to shape the difficulties in growth, how to utilise their disadvantages to create advantages.