Chairman: | Kósa András Csaba |
Co-Chairmen: | Ament Balázs Schmidt Richárd |
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: | Gergely Miklós |
Members of the Supervisory Board: | Borsos László Laukó Zsófia |
ISZOSZ the Hungarian Association of Youth Service Providers was founded in 2011 as an umbrella organization of professionals and organizations dealing with youth service.
- supporting the quality development of domestic youth services,
- providing professional assistance and basic background for youth organizations and professionals working with youth service,
- organising meetings and professional trainings - supporting youth service work processes and knowledge transfer.
Our members and volunteers also perform professional consulting work, be it a start-up support for youth service professionals, work of technical committees of youth services or preparation of decision making. We have participated in the Youth in Action Programme Evaluation Committee, in the work of GYIA (Hungarian Children- and Youth Fund), in the foundation of the NIT (National Youth Council of Hungary), in the support of the domestic network for Eurodesk.
It is important for us to maintain the high professional standards, so we take part in trainings and we also organize professional programs. Partly we intend to continue the work of the professional HAYICO (Hungarian Association of Youth Information and Counselling Offices), complemented by responses to the contemporary challenges.